Welcome! I’m Olivia and I’m glad you are here…

I am a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Portland, Maine. My practice came to life with the intent to guide women toward feeling more resourced and centered within themselves. I consider myself to be a holistic provider as I offer a creative, multifaceted approach to support your unique needs. I am an Internal Family Systems therapist, reiki practitioner, and yoga teacher. I believe we heal when mind, body and spirit are considered and honored. My offerings are based in a trauma informed approach and with the current state of the world in mind. It is my privilege to honor the whole you and support you in finding more clarity, curiosity and compassion. I love to support others in leaning into their expansiveness and finding more ways to feel embodied. Know that wherever I am meeting you, it is important to me that I lead with integrity and honor my values as a practitioner to provide a safe and ethical space for you. Keep reading to learn more about me and my offerings.

With gratitude, Olivia

The wound is the place where the light enters you.
— Rumi

Most people would describe me as warm, grounded and nurturing with a bit of spice. You can expect sessions with me to be filled with compassion and a dash of humor when needed. I tend to be soft and empathetic but don’t shy away from an opportunity to encourage courage and growth. If you are seeking traditional talk therapy, this is not likely the place for you - but, I may be a good fit for you if you’ve had success with talk therapy in the past and you’d like to dig deeper into your inner world. I see my role as reminding you of your truest essence and helping to bridge the gap when you forget. I have always loved supporting and uplifting others and have felt from a very young age that my sensitivity is one of my greatest gifts. I am a somatic practitioner and feel the body and nervous system must be included to create greater opportunities for expansion and healing.

When I am not wearing my therapist hat I am a happily partnered dog mom, a pro-rest activist, lover of movement and being outdoors and a Maine native. I am a truth seeker and do not shy away from intensity, in fact, I love it. I am a textbook water sign, cancer sun and moon, and I think this is what makes me great at what I do. I am a nurturer to my core and love to swim in the watery depths of emotion, creativity and intuition. I nourish myself through weekend camping trips, ocean swims, time in nature, and hugs from loved ones. On a regular day you can find me at the beach, the barn, with friends or cozied up on my couch.

Noteworthy Credentials

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy - Level I

  • Embodied Equine Psychotherapy - Levels I & II

  • Usui Reiki levels I, II, & III

  • Movement in Stillness: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training